All of the Open Educational Resource (OER) texts below are
COMPLETELY FREE to use for all purposes, may be redistributed, and may be printed for non-commercial use. Some may even be printed for commercial use (and parts of them definitely can), but different licenses apply to different texts and their parts, so pay attention to specific licenses in order to properly use and share these works. As I began by saying, all of these are completely FREE to use in their electronic forms, so please use, share, and adopt. They are all available in PDF, ePub, and .DOCX format. The PDF files are optimized for 8.5"x11" printing (since I assume this would be the size most people would want to print it at) and will read fine most of the time. The ePub isn't perfect (none are) but should work fine on most eReader devices and software.
The ePub format should look best on mobile devices, since I know many students read on their phones or tablets. The .DOCX file is primarily intended for those that want to edit or re-use parts of these works themselves.
Introduction to Ethics
Philosophy of Western Religions
Introduction to Philosophy Reader
Ancient Philosophy Reader
South and East Asian Philosophy Reader
Political Philosophy Reader
Critical Reasoning and Writing
Logic and Critical Thinking
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